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Linna Füzesi

Communication coach for your valuable relationships

Human Design: Manifesting Generator 5/1
Myers Briggs: Consul ESFJ-A

☀️ Scorpio ⬆️ Sagittarius 🌙 Pisces

Psychography: Do-er

I am 31 years old, a cert. master-coach & my relationship coaching is not just about couples & love relationships, but about love for yourself, your closest system and life itself. Most don't feel love for their life or work, but hustle their way through their everyday life & society until their body stops them with corresponding symptoms. I'm here to train people not to give up on themselves, to come into their own strenght, to stand up for themselves, not to let themselves get stuck, to have a chance to feel in(ter-) dependence & love. This is how we replace karma. Let me tell you: it is not easy, although it is simply.

Linna Füzesi - Beziehungs- und Kommunikationscoach

My clients' video feedback

Feedback Matthias
Feedback Video Kundin

My Journey


The basis for coaching began back in 2011 during my studies: I completed my acting training, had been in a relationship for several years, and didn't know what I was looking for. Consequently, I didn't find it either. One feeling was clear and loud, and that was that I was extremely unhappy in my own skin and in my everyday life. I worked as an assistant director in the theater, which at least brought me a lot of fun. But when I returned home, I couldn't find the purpose for which I was living. It was an eternal search, filled with pain, sadness, and despair.


The two most important people in my life at that time declared war on each other, and I was the messenger, until I cut off contact with my father and gave my relationship one last chance. I woke up drenched in sweat at night, never slept more than a few hours at a time, and started losing weight, withdrawing completely, and shrinking. My journey to India led me to a young woman who showed me who I was, who I could be, and introduced me to NLP. I finally overcame my fears and crossed that threshold. My first breakthrough.


Hidden in my shell full of fear and insecurities, I finally dared to pursue NLP to get rid of the chronic pain that had been accompanying me for the past three years. During the training, I realized for the first time how much was broken within me, how lost I had been wandering above the ground for years, and how much pain, anger, and sadness I carried from my past. I also met Fabian, whom I couldn't stand at that time. It was a year of new beginnings, and newly acquired self-worth. I was on the path I wanted, and at the same time, I was afraid of whether I could make it, whether I deserved to be happy.


For a year, I coached myself and colleagues upon request, in the company where I had been working as an office manager for two years. I applied at the Coaching Academy Berlin to explore other coaching possibilities and working approaches. My life started to make sense and became enjoyable. This is where the paths of Fabian and I crossed again. We became a couple. He was a dating coach for men, and I a coach for women in career and relationships. Besides my two NLP trainers, he became my biggest supportive companion. Our love grew and we started working together, coaching men in dating and relationships.

Linna Füzesi - communication- and relationshipcoach


My life made sense, I had fun, joy and fulfillment in everyday life and was accompanied by my partner: I coached women and men to be happy with themselves and in their relationships. What a freedom to do such wonderful work.


At that point, I wanted to grow old with him. We traveled & trained together, we worked and built our future together.


Until 05. October 2021.


He became ill. I took care of him until the last moment. When he lost consciousness unexpectedly, I called the ambulance. 48 hours later I learned that he had died.


I fell. I fell deeply. I fell silently. Apathy.


In March, I woke up from the darkest hole I had ever been in, from my apathy. I must live. I want to be happy. I can't give up on everything. I searched again for my identity: What kind of woman did I want to be? Personally and professionally. With whom did I want to work? What should my everyday life look like? How did I want to dress? How did I want to present myself to the world? What was my true essence? What was the true core of my soul? Who was I when I was completely naked, abandoned, and alone? What kind of man would be allowed to enter my life again? When would I be ready for that?

Breathe. Just breathe. Breathe.

The biggest decision of my life was coming up, and I felt far from capable of handling it.

From now on, I built my own company – Linna Füzesi Relationship Coaching – anew and let go of his. It hurt me deeply, and I questioned for a long time whether it was the right decision. My heart broke again.

When would this finally end?



I went into countless coaching sessions, spent 12 months in 1:1 coaching with various successful coaches, received business coaching, participated in group training, memberships, and business masterminds. You name it! I talked a lot about what had happened and what I could make of it. But I still put myself under pressure until I couldn't take it anymore ... I let go, surrendered to the flow of life, and started learning, feeling, and trusting again ... to see what was true.


Today, I don't recognize myself.


In a short period of time, I have become the woman I always looked up to... and even more. I am the woman that other women (and men) look up to.


They want to learn from me, gain knowledge, use my personal experiences for their growth, and truly build themselves from within. My focus today is on healthy communication in relationships (the ripple effect of course includes all genders and ages) and loving with every fibre of my being what I do and how much I give to my clients.


They grow, find a home within themselves, strengthen their souls, learn the essentials to build a good and happy relationship with themselves and their partners. With their children. Parents. Partners. Animals. All the relationships that are dear to their hearts. And I have the privilege of accompanying them as a coach and trainer. What a present, for which I am infinitely grateful!

I am finally moving in a new world and I invite you to join me. You will feel it when you are ready and when you finally want to rise & fly like a phoenix from the ashes: Now it's about growing as a human & soul, embracing all our parts (shadows) that want to be seen, tasted, heard, felt, sensed, lived, and experienced.

Linna Füzesi - communication- and relationshipcoach

And the most beautiful and not entirely unexpected, although in fact still surprising thing, because I have been working towards it? I have found my true soulmate, the perfect man who is truly the one for me. With all my heart.




We met like on a train through detours & delays: fell in love, learned to love each other, got engaged, got entrusted and are building our world together every day. For the first time I feel HE is the first right one from the bottom of my heart!


For the first time in my life I am completely happy from within, I feel light & strong with myself & no longer am afraid of myself, my needs & my limits. We bring in a closeness & intimacy that many only start to build up - over many years. I am infinitely grateful and full of anticipation for all that awaits us.


This year started with releasing emotional dependency and sustainably building emotional connection, gentleness, family & strong boundaries.


Privately, my focus is on my family with my husband Paul: our wedding, our home and welcoming our 1st child into this world. Professionally, most clients are constantly extending. Their results show in their love, inner stability, ease & joy of life and financial prosperity which they live and experience every day. The coaching sessions go even more into depth, wisdom, heart, simplicity & clear implementation. We have now reached a deeper, essential level that gives us mental and emotional strength. For the first time, I can fullheartedly say that I have never been as happy as I am now. There are still challenges. It's a trick of the brain to suggest that at some point they will stop. They don't. But you learn self-confidence, awareness & find your peace even in the midst of hardship. That makes it easier to cope with the every-day, your whole life and your relationships.

Linna Füzesi - communication- and relationshipcoach

Listen to the new episode now!

The latest podcast episode is released every 2. Thursday at 7am on Lovingly!

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Trust, Responsibility, Minimalism, Gentleness, Love

company values

Clarity, Professionalism, Trust, Joie de vivre, Stability


To bring good communication, understanding, openness, clarity and love to so many people that less pain is spread, building lasting, fulfilling relationships and supportive families.


Building relationships in families and companies to serve the individual, the community, life-affirming structures and a life worth living.


It is important to me because I want to minimise pain and deepen and spread joy, love and connection. Everyone deserves to be happy with themselves, their family and at work.

Family, friends, colleagues & clients say about Linna as

clear, feminine, strong, positive energy, and empathetic

10 things, you would've never guessed about me

1. I am the eldest of 4 children and grew up trilingual.

2. I have a fraternal twin sister and value my family deeply.

3. I have been playing the piano since the age of 5 and composed the music for my podcast.


4. I have moved at least every 3 years since I was 10 years old.

5. I completed my A-levels and Bachelor's degree in the United Kingdom, which became my first chosen home.

6. Degrees: Acting & Speech, NLP Practitioner & Master, NLP Master Coach and Systemic Coaching & Team Coaching, Energetic Psychology, Shadow Work, Solution-Focused Brief Coaching.

6.1. In 2022, I will additionally attend the NLP Practitioner course with Richard Bandler in London, which promises to be an unforgettable journey.

7. I love mice, cats, dogs, and manta rays.

8. My current shamanic power animal is a white-beige deer.

9. I feel most at ease in the sun, by the sea, on a sandy beach – a dream, right?

10. I used to be a competitive swimmer, played tennis matches, and was passionate about inline skating until I tore my ACL (anterior cruciate ligament).

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